What is the #VABreakfast Challenge?
From October 1 through December 31, 2018, schools across the Commonwealth will compete for prizes and recognition by increasing participation in their school breakfast program. As more kids participate in school breakfast, chances for winning will grow! School divisions of similar enrollment size compete against each other. Winners will be named in the Spring of 2019.
How can my school get involved?
We welcome sign-ups from anyone! Parents, teachers, administrators, school nutrition staff, school counselors or others can enroll schools in the Challenge today simply by clicking on the “Join now!” button and filling out a brief form.
To increase participation in your school breakfast program, consider an alternative breakfast model. Alternative Breakfast Models are shown to boost participation in your breakfast programs, helping you fill the stomachs of more children. For more information about how to flip your school breakfast model, email
NEW FOR 2018! Virginia Breakfast Challenge GOLD Category: Is there a school in your division that already has stellar participation in the School Breakfast Program? Looking to take your program to the next level? This year, in addition to competing to increase participation in school breakfast, school divisions have the option to enter their schools into the Breakfast Challenge GOLD Category. Divisions can win prizes and cash for finding ways to improve school breakfast nutritional quality, integrating Farm to School, or incorporating other program innovations.
Click here to see the GOLD Category Scorecard and criteria